Sunday, May 2, 2010


There is one basic reason why we have weather and that is the sun. Weather systems start because the suns energy heats up some parts of Earth more than others. Most of the time the sun shines most directly on the middle of the Earth, with not as much heating at the north and south poles. Earth is tilted on its axis at exactly the right angle to have seasons, which different parts of the Earth being heated more or less during different times of the year. Land heats up faster than water, causing temperture differences between oceans and continents. This heating creates variation in temperture and air pressure, winds, and ocean currents.

instruments used to measure weather:

information from:

  • Thermometer- measures air temperture- unit: celcius

  • barometer- measures air pressure- unit: mmHg

  • psychrometer-measures relative humidity- unit: C/F

  • anemometer- measures wind speed- unit: MPH

Severe storms moved across the Ohio Valley to the Deep South over the weekend. Large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes were all reported in these locations. In addition, numerous Flood Watches were in effect as heavy rain fell. In Tenessee, over a foot of rain fell in some areas killing five people. In Mississippi, three people were killed in a tornado.

To learn more about Flooding: Click Here!

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